Wawapek Preserve to Open Soon

While we rarely feature bobcats in our pictures, this one represents a very happy event. We are building our first road … both modest and pervious!

Work has begun on the entrance to Wawapek (formerly known as the DeForest Williams property).  Last night this area was a very dense forest populated by dead trees and an abundant tangle of multiflora rose.  Today it is a road leading to a small parking area which will allow public access to this newly created preserve which is jointly owned by Suffolk County, Town of Huntington and the Land Alliance.  Work is expected to be completed within the next few weeks.  At that time, we will hold a community celebration/kick-off event.

This has been a journey of more than three years and it would not have happened without our community. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to all who were involved! This is a joyous moment for all of us who love the natural world.

Together our community of residents, non-profits, businesses and government has created a living legacy for Cold Spring Harbor. We have protected a historic natural place that preserves community character, provides personal enjoyment, provides habitat for wildlife and protects our water resources. Fundraising efforts to build an endowment for stewardship and repay our outstanding loan balance of APPROXIMATELY $200,000 will resume and continue through the coming year.

It took extraordinary efforts to protect a vital and much-loved part of the Cold Spring Harbor Community. We extend our gratitude to all who were involved, including The Conservation Fund who advanced us the money to close on March 10, 2015.


  1. Timothy Dunne says:

    Nice job guys! A beautiful place in CSH. Will like to volunteer to help and will look at your page to do so. Did it as a teenager 30 yrs ago on a Lattingtown estate with my Grand Father who did it for 40 yrs. Hope I can help.

  2. Edyth Dunne says:

    Congratulations and THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart. Your incredible hard work & perseverance to preserve this legacy for all of us whilst overcoming so many obstacles is wonderful. You have my sincerest gratitude and happiness!

  3. joel Kescher says:

    let me know when it opens. Thanks