Roosevelt Community Garden Back to School Wellness Nature Walk
On September 12th, the Land Alliance hosted a successful Back to School Wellness Nature Walk in partnership with Dr. Suanne Kowal-Connelly, MD, FAAP, Director of Pediatric Clinical Quality at Harmony Healthcare LI. Twenty attendees, including 10 enthusiastic youth from the Roosevelt and Freeport areas, gathered at the Norman J. Levy Preserve. Led by dedicated Land Alliance volunteers Wendy and Peter Martin, participants explored the trails, learning about various plants and wildlife, along with the benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
On November 16th, we will host a wellness event at the Roosevelt Public Library. This event will equip parents with practical solutions for a healthier lifestyle as the holiday season approaches. Attendees can look forward to a panel discussion led by nutrition and health experts, as well as engaging in cooking and planting activities for kids.
The primary goal of these events is to engage more youth in outdoor activities while highlighting the importance of healthy eating, staying active and understanding the value of a healthy lifestyle for overall well-being.