To conserve and steward Long Island’s natural and historic lands, waters and environmental resources. Through education, outreach and volunteerism, we connect people to nature and inspire a community conservation ethic



Why Do Governments Invest in Land Conservation



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  • Paddle Cold Spring Harbor

    Paddle Along the Historic Cold Spring Harbor

    Wednesday, July 17th, 5:30 PM – Join the Land Alliance for a delightful summer evening on the water, with our experienced and friendly kayak leaders.  

    Bringing Back the Bats Talk

    Tuesday, July 23rd, 6:30 PM – Delve into the fascinating world of bats, discussing their benefits, dispelling misconceptions, and highlighting their crucial role in our local ecosystems.
  • North Shore Land Alliance Nature Preserve

    Nature Walk Through Roosevelt Preserve

    Thursday, July 25th, 6:00 PM – Explore the Roosevelt Preserve, a delightful strip of woodland, in the summer when the aroma of sweet pepperbush fills the air.