Through education, outreach and volunteerism, we connect people to nature and inspire a community conservation ethic.
Volunteers continue to be the lifeblood of our organization. The incredible work the Land Alliance does today could not be done without our volunteers, who support our mission while benefiting from exceptional educational, social, and fitness opportunities. To joining our amazing team of conservation stewards, please complete the form, and we will be in touch with available opportunities.
Ways to Help

Preserve, Protect, and Restore Our Environment
Volunteer to help remove invasive plants and Plant native species, Document the occurrence of flora and fauna, restore and maintain trails and gardens and mark property boundaries.
Encourage the next generation of conservation leaders
Volunteer to facilitating nature walks, field trips and educational activities to help children and adults gain a better understanding of and respect for the natural world.

Steward our John P. Humes Japanese Stroll Garden
Our gifted Stroll Garden manager Mary Schmutz guides several tried and true volunteers during weekly volunteer stewardship sessions during the season, whose loving and expert stewardship make the Garden the special place that it is.

Events and Administration
If you prefer to work indoors, we would appreciate your help in the office: word processing, filing, mailings or data entry. We also rely on the wonderful support of volunteers to help plan, setup, run and break down our events.

Plant Propagation
Work in our greenhouse potting and repotting plants, sowing seeds in plug trays, and tending to the seedlings. All plants grown in the greenhouse are then used at our preserves or given to other organizations to help our native wildlife.

We would love to have more beautiful photographs of our preserves and other natural areas and events for our publications and website.
Protecting and Stewarding Land Requires Volunteers.
Learn how volunteers play a crucial role in stewarding the lands we own and manage. Read the latest edition of our Saving Land Newsletter
Saving Land NewsVolunteers for Open Space Program
MSC Industrial Supply Gives a Helping Hand
MSC Industrial Supply has generously volunteered its staff for many years on Land Alliance projects. This year, MSC team members celebrated Earth Day at the newly founded Roosevelt Community Garden.
Continue reading514 Species Documented in the Beaver Brook BioBlitz
The Land Allianc worked with a stalwart crew of 35 volunteers for its first Beaver Brook BioBlitz, on Saturday, June 3, 2017 to inventory species living in a given area at a given time
Continue readingGrassland Restoration at Shore Road in Cold Spring Harbor
After a long, cold winter, we are delighted to be embarking on habitat restoration at the former ExxonMobil property this spring.
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