On Saturday and Sunday, July 12th and 13th, the North Shore Land Alliance hosted its first ever Red Truck Estate Sale at the Green Vale School in Old Brookville. The concept of this fundraising event was to encourage sustainable practices within the community- particularly the principles of Renew, Reuse, and Recycle, in an effort to help protect our local land and water.
The weekend was a great success, with hundreds of people in attendance and more than $100,000 raised to aid the Land Alliance in its land conservation efforts. Attendees browsed a diverse selection of antiques, art, home décor, and furniture. Event Chairwomen Lynda Anderson-Busquet, Megan De Roulet and Julie Rinaldini, along with a group of devoted volunteers, used their creative talents to arrange donations at the school, resulting in a stunning setting resembling a designer showcase.
Sealy Hopkinson, Event Manager, began collecting donations from individuals and businesses in the community in February
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. She was amazed by the quality and volume of unique items people contributed to the cause. Thanks to the generosity of the community, the school gym and tent space were filled to the brim with beautiful donations, almost all of which went home with enthusiastic buyers eager to find a good deal and support the Land Alliance.
The weekend kicked off with a “Sneak Peek” Preview Party- a tented, barn style benefit held on Friday evening, July 11th. There were over 250 people in attendance at this festive event, where guests browsed the sale while listening to bluegrass music from a live Huntington-based trio “Larry Moser and Rose Tree.” In keeping with the theme of the weekend, Party Chairwomen Debbie Doyle and Lisa Schiff used recycled pallets to craft a one-of-a-kind, handmade bar.
The event could not have happened without the generous support of the sponsors- Daniel Gale-Sotheby’s, Crystal & Company, Anton Community Newspapers, College Hunks Moving, Oxford Restoration, Joanna Badami Appraisals Ltd., Post Wines & Spirits, Luce, The John Kahlil Collection, Main Street Nursery,Huntington, Fabric Mill and Material Objects.
Proceeds from the Red Truck Estate Sale will benefit the North Shore Land Alliance, a nationally accredited land trust founded in 2003 by a group of residents who were dedicated to protecting the historic, scenic and environmental integrity of our land for future generations. Together with local government and the community, the Land Alliance is integral in preserving important open spaces, such as the 32-acre DeForest Williams Property in Cold Spring Harbor and the 60-acre Banfi Fields in Old Brookville.
The Land Alliance also owns and maintains 104-acres of local preserves, including the former Exxon Mobil Property, an 8-acre waterfront parcel at 95 Shore Road in Cold Spring Harbor. Since acquiring this land in 2013, stewards of the Land Alliance have started to restore this former industrial site into a place for native grassland, wildflowers, and bird habitat.
For more information about the North Shore Land Alliance, visit www.northshorelandalliance.org or 516-626-0908.