The Microbiome of Compost Workshop


Event Details

The Microbiome of Compost Workshop
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Education Annex, Humes Preserve
349 Oyster Bay Road, Mill Neck, NY

Led by Jayne Merner, Earth Care Farms

Join lifelong composter, Jayne Merner, from Earth Care Farm who will paint a picture of the lasting effects compost has on our world. Earth Care Farm has been making nutrient-rich compost for over 45 years. Jayne will delve into composting science basics and how to assess a good quality compost.  We will have a microscope set up so you can view the microbial universe living in one drop of compost as well as tour the new compost bins.

About Jayne Mener

Jayne Merner owns and operates Earth Care Farm, which was started by her father, Michael Merner, in 1977.  With the help of 3 generations of Merners and a small dedicated staff the farm raises produce and is most well known for its large-scale, nutrient Merner’s Gold Compost.  As the first and largest composter in Rhode Island, the farm transforms many hundreds of tons of materials per year into rich compost for gardens across New England.   Jayne regularly teaches about compost through international conferences, podcasts, weekly YouTube videos and tours. Jayne serves on the Rhode Island Agricultural Land Preservation Commission and the Charlestown Agricultural Preservation Commission.  Jayne enjoys sharing her deep love of nature with the world community.


2024-08-08 16:00 2024-08-08 17:00 America/New_York The Microbiome of Compost Workshop

Thursday, August 8th, 4:00 PM – Discover the science of composting and learn to assess compost quality and explore its lasting impact on our environment.

Education Annex, Humes Preserve [email protected]