Great Backyard Bird Count

Great Backyard Bird Count
February 14-17, 2025

The 2025 Great Backyard Bird Count runs from February 14-17. You can participate by counting birds in your backyard, local park or wherever you spot a bird. Visit this link to learn more about this citizen science project and how you can participate in this global survey:

You can also join the Land Alliance’s winter waterfowl team, which monitors birds throughout the winter at our Shore Road Sanctuary located at 95 Shore Road, Cold Spring Harbor. We’ll be there on Sunday, February 16th from 3:30 pm until 4:30 pm – feel free to drop by if you’d like to join us. No registration required for this event!


Great Backyard Bird Count North Shore Land Alliance
2025-02-16 00:00 2025-02-16 00:00 America/New_York Great Backyard Bird Count

Sunday, February 14th-17th – Participate at Your Own Pace! Join the Great Backyard Bird Count by counting birds in your backyard, local park, or wherever you spot them.

Shore Road Sanctuary [email protected]