• Wawapek Greenhouse Propogation

    Wawapek Greenhouse Restoration and Native Seed Propagation

    Last year, thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Gerry Charitable Trust, the restoration of the historic greenhouse at Wawapek began. This Hitchings and Co. structure was once a small part of a very large complex of greenhouses. It was cleaned up, broken glass was removed and replaced, window frames were repaired and repainted and new planting beds were installed. While the full restoration isn’t yet complete, we couldn’t wait to start putting it to use! This fall, with the help of our volunteers, we’ve been collecting native wildflower and grass seeds from our preserves to propagate in the greenhouse. When collecting native seeds, it is important to remember not to take all the seeds in an area. Native wildlife relies on seeds and berries for their food at this time of year (when there aren’t many insects available to eat). Propagating seeds that will eventually be planted in places that have a winter season requires cold stratification. Stratification is a survival mechanism that ensures that seeds don’t germinate too soon. You may have heard of people putting native seeds in their refrigerator to mimic a cold period. This is the same process. The difference is, we will be leaving the potted seeds outside in the greenhouse instead of in the refrigerator. This will allow them to stratify naturally over the winter in a contained environment where birds cannot feast upon the seeds. The plants that we grow will be used in Land Alliance pollinator gardens and meadows (which include more than 50 acres at this time). Once the restoration of the full greenhouse has been completed, the possibilities are endless. We could expand to grow vegetables or annual flowers for use on our properties. We could host a plant sale and/or expand our growing efforts to other locations like Humes. For now, this is a good start but… as those of you who know us can understand… we dream big! Native Seeds We Are Propagating in the Wawapek Greenhouse False Blue Indigo False Blue Indigo (Baptisia species) is a perennial plant known for its attractive blue-green foliage and striking blue, purple, or white pea-like flowers. It’s a native wildflower that provides nectar for pollinators and is part of the legume family. Common Milkweed Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is a native perennial plant that plays a vital role in supporting monarch butterflies as a host plant for their caterpillars. It has clusters of pinkish-purple flowers and produces a milky sap. White Wood Aster White Wood Aster (Eurybia divaricata) is a native perennial herb with small, daisy-like white flowers. It’s often found in woodland settings and provides nectar for various pollinators. Switch Grass Switch Grass (Panicum virgatum) is a native warm-season grass with attractive, upright foliage that turns a beautiful golden color in the fall. It’s valued for its ornamental qualities and as a habitat for wildlife. Joe-Pye Weed Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium species) is a tall, native wildflower with large, domed clusters of pink to purple flowers. It’s a favorite among pollinators, particularly butterflies and bees. Foxglove Beardtongue Foxglove Beardtongue (Penstemon digitalis) is a native wildflower with tubular, white to pale pink flowers and attractive foliage. It’s known for attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. Little Blue Stem Little Blue Stem (Schizachyrium scoparium) is a native grass species appreciated for its fine, bluish-green foliage and attractive seed heads. It’s a crucial component of prairie ecosystems and provides habitat for wildlife. Anise-Hyssop Anise-Hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is a fragrant, native perennial herb known for its lavender to blue spikes of flowers. It’s a favorite of pollinators, especially bees and butterflies, and has a sweet, licorice-like scent.

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  • Great Things are Happening at Wawapek!

    Wawapek is alive with the sights and sounds of summer! The trees are in full leaf, the pollinator gardens are a buzz and the blueberry patch is heavy with fruit. As we enter a new season at this much-loved preserve, we’d like to give you some quick updates about exciting things to come. Mowbray Lane Entrance If you’ve visited Wawapek this season, you may have noticed a much-improved entrance. A new split rail fence was installed along Mowbray Lane (which was dotted with beautiful daffodils earlier this spring). With the help of funding from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program (NYSCPP) and a generous neighbor, we installed pollinator gardens on both sides of the driveway, along with new native red cedars and white pines. Habitat Restoration Area If you’re a regular visitor to the preserve, you’ve witnessed years of rapid invasive species growth along the right side of the driveway. Last fall, with the help of a local contractor, we used a forestry mulcher to remove porcelain berry, multiflora rose and other bad actors in this 10,000 square foot area. That made way for new native plants! This summer, with the help of funding from the NYSCPP, those invasive species will be replaced by beautiful native shrubs and trees such as red maples, dogwoods, rhododendrons, witch hazel and white pines. Vine Removal Along the woodland trail, we have started a periwinkle removal project with our volunteers. Vinca major is a rapidly spreading trailing vine that has spread throughout much of the woodland, outcompeting our native plants. The next time you’re out hiking at Wawapek and you come across a tarp in the woodland understory, you will see our volunteers’ invasive species management at work. Pulled plants are placed inside a black tarp to solarize (cook in the sun). Since our volunteer days over the past weeks, the native Canada Mayflower has begun growing quite abundantly in the areas previously invaded by Vinca, going to show just how crucial pulling weeds can be. We have also removed invasive vines (like porcelain berry and bittersweet) along the hedge row in the formal lawn. Thanks to the tireless work of dedicated volunteers, we have unveiled blooming star magnolia trees, a cluster of which had been invaded by vines over many years. The trees are still recovering, but their branches are no longer burdened by the weight of the heavy invasive vines. We are excited to watch these trees recover in the seasons and years to come. We plan to continue removing as many weeds as we can with the help of our volunteers, Friends Academy students and our summer O’Neil Stewards. Ralf Lange Garden Thanks to a generous donation from Pat Peterson and her friends in honor of her long-time partner Ralf Lange, we have installed a gathering area and native gardens in the once neglected greenhouse complex. The first garden, located within the low brick foundation of the former greenhouse, has been transformed. It now is a gathering area with a teak picnic table and benches surrounded by sweet bay magnolia trees. The adjacent garden area is filled with native shrubs such as witch hazel, sweet pepperbush and mountain laurel. Old cold frames have now been planted as pollinator gardens, with hyssop, sensitive fern, butterfly milkweed, black eyed Susan’s, purple coneflower and mountain mints. We hope you will visit soon and watch these exciting new projects grow. If you are interested in seeing what’s happening at Wawapek, come visit the beautiful property (located off Mowbray Lane) and its woodland trails from 7AM-5PM every day of the week. If you have any questions or wish to get involved, please contact Meghan Leverock at 516-922-1028 or [email protected].

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  • Wawapek

    Wawapek Preserve Expanded

    The North Shore Land Alliance, in partnership with Suffolk County, the Town of Huntington, New York State, The Conservation Fund and the local community, acquired the 32-acre…

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  • DeForest Williams Property Opened as Wawapek Preserve

    The North Shore Land Alliance is extremely pleased to announce the acquisition and dedication of the 32-acre Wawapek Preserve, formerly the DeForest Williams property, in Cold Spring Harbor.

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