Grasslands Symposium Highlights Long Island’s Grassland Restoration Efforts
Grasslands Symposium highlighted the significant work occurring on Long Island to protect and establish grasslands, as well as ways we can grow more biodiverse landscapes.
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Wawapek Greenhouse Restoration and Native Seed Propagation
Thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Gerry Charitable Trust, the restoration of the Wawapek greenhouse began last year. This fall, with the help of our volunteers, we’ve been collecting native wildflower and grass seeds from our preserves to propagate in the greenhouse.
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Cushman Woods Meadow Transformation
About two years have passed since we launched site preparation for the Cushman Woods meadow. The first step was forestry mulching, which involved the use of a powerful brush cutting tool to cut and shred years’ growth of undesirable vegetation. It included porcelainberry vine and multiflora rose on about five open (but badly) invaded acres of Cushman Woods Preserve.
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Restoration of the Williams Preserve
Williams has come a long way since Mary and Tim Williams donated this beautiful 4.5-acre Lattingtown parcel to the Land Alliance last June. We are embarking upon an extensive preserve-wide habitat restoration. Our restoration ecologist consultant Peter Meleady generously donated the plan.
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Sisters of St. Joseph: Estate Planning on a Divine Scale
We are delighted to report that the Sisters of St. Joseph have committed to donating to the Land Alliance a 47-acre conservation easement on a forested parcel of their 212-acre property in Brentwood (Suffolk County). This is just one of many actions the Sisters are taking to protect their valuable work and the future of our world.
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