Land Alliance Received Two New Grants
On April 19, 2016, North Shore Land Alliance received two separate grants totaling $45,000 from the New York State Conservation Partnership Program (NYSCPP) and New York’s Environmental Protection Fund.
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Acquisition to Connect Shu Swamp Preserve to Upper Francis Pond Preserve
The North Shore Land Alliance has long been interested in acquiring and preserving approximately seven acres of land that connects Nassau County’s Upper Francis Pond Preserve (formerly known as Smithers Pond) to the south, with Shu Swamp Preserve to the north. In the past several months, the Land Alliance has been working with the owner and their representatives to acquire the property.
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Is this the End for the Land and Water Conservation Fund?
As the Trump administration prepares to submit its first budget, proposals have surfaced to drastically reduce or even eliminate appropriations for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) — America’s most important federal land and water conservation program which funds essential programs in all 50 states. Please join us in asking our representatives in Congress […]
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Simple and Effective Ways to Help Migratory Birds
Every second of every day, birds are migrating somewhere in the world. Whether it is a short distance or an epic journey, every place where birds spend time is critical for the survival of their species. This includes their summer breeding grounds, their wintering areas and all the stopovers in between tent/11/5/R115to hold it harmless […]
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Wawapek Preserve Expanded
The Land Alliance is pleased to announced that we signed a contract to purchase the Williams Estate – a three-acre property immediately to the north of Wawapek. This property which will provide an important expansion opportunity along the entire northerly boundary of the preserve.
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