Humes Preserve Opening

The Land Alliance purchased the Humes estate in 2016. After four years, we’ve retired our debt and are now preparing to open this spectacular 28-acre property as the Humes Preserve in June!

As passersby can easily see, the meadow has been cleared and grasses are growing in. Thanks to a generous grant from NYS the former tennis hut, soon to be welcome pavilion, has been restored with planting of its foundation and a nearby garden expected to begin soon. Thanks to another grant from an anonymous donor, we’re building trails (including a fitness trail) which will connect Shu Swamp and Upper Francis Pond and total 4+ miles in length. And just last week, we learned that the North Country Garden Club has awarded the Land Alliance a very generous grant for a nearly 2,000 sq. ft. oasis of native plants in the meadow. While many improvements are yet to be made, we take great joy in thinking about opening another wonderful place to the public and inviting our community in. Information to follow closer to the date.

Please contact Lisa ott at 516-922-1028 or [email protected], if you would like to help.